Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ink Motion .01: Fluids
This is actually a very basic smoke set up. First started out with a smoke object and container. Inside the DOP Network I added a Gas Vorticle and Recycle nodes, where I added about 60,000 vorticles. Then inside the smoke object and solver nodes I adjusted the attributes, changing the uniform division to 150 and adjusting the bouyancy direction and lift. As I said this is a very basic set up. By the next post this might be more complexed or not even used.
Ink Motion 02. Particle Controlled Fluids:
Unlike the previous set up, this one is a little more complex. Instead of have a static RBD object emit the smoke, I have a POP Network controlling the smokes activation, so when ever a particle enters the container smoke is emitted. Here's a more detailed breakdown.
Inside the network I have the particles birthing from a source, in this case a simple sphere. Next is a Force Node that adds some noise to the particles. Then a "Collision" node where the particles hit and then die on contact. Instead of having the particles bounce on contact, I decided to use a "Split" node that will birth new particles, and therefore give me more control. After that I added another force to affect only the split particles and then a gravity to affect the whole POPNET.

The DOP Network is a little more complex than the POP. First just like the previous fluid set up I use a "Smoke Object" and a "Smoke Solver" node. Next is a "SOP Geometry", this is the DOP that allows me to pull in geometry from the SOP level (i.e. the popnet). Now the most important DOPs are the "Gas Particles to Feilds." This micro-solver copies attributes from the POPNET to the DOPNET. In this case, thes 2 are copy the attribues from the "Density" SOP thats connected to the popnet. The last main DOP I add are the "Gas Vorticle" and"Recycle Vorticle" DOP nodes. Then the data is filed out to a seperate folder.
Also check out the 2 new links that were added. Two great artist and friends.
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